1. Introduction

A Web Service is the provision of one or more methods that can be invoked by some external site. The external site contacts the webserver of the site providing the Web Service to get a method of the Web Service executed. It is usually a program running on the external site that wants the result of a call of the method. A website might be providing Web Services in several different areas.

Although some people assume that Web Services requires you to use Microsoft's .NET Framework, there are many rival products. In this document, we will look at Axis, a Web Services product from Apache. This product is targetted at Java programmers.

The main aim of this document is to demonstrate how easy it is for any Java programmer:

Besides demonstrating this, the document will also look at some other topics:

Although the instructions given in this document assume you are using Windows, Linux could be used instead. The document also assumes that the Java 2 SDK has been installed.