6.2 The details of the change

Suppose there is a method called iEvaluate that expects as arguments a double and any number of ints. Here are some examples of a call of this method:

0214:       double tResult = iEvaluate(2.7, 25, 2, -5, 42, -10);
0215:       System.out.println(tResult);
0216:       tResult = iEvaluate(4.2, 42);
0217:       System.out.println(tResult);
0218:       tResult = iEvaluate(4.2);
0219:       System.out.println(tResult);

And here is a possible iEvaluate method:

0221:    private static double iEvaluate(double pFactor, int... pValues)
0222:    {
0223:       int tSum = 0;
0224:       for (int tValue : pValues)
0225:          tSum += tValue;
0226:       return tSum/pFactor;      
0227:    }

The int... signifies that the remaining arguments are ints. Within the method, this parameter behaves like an array and so the method can use a foreach loop.