8.1. The class Shape

We can use the following class for objects that are two-dimensional geometrical figures. The class includes a constructor to create an object representing a shape at some position in two-dimensional space. It also includes a method called translate that moves a shape to a new position relative to its current position.

0593: public class Shape {                                           // Shape.java
0594:    public Shape(int vX, int vY) {
0595:       iX = vX; iY = vY;
0596:    }
0597:    public Shape() { this(0, 0); }
0598:    public int getX() { return iX; }
0599:    public int getY() { return iY; }
0600:    public void translate(int vX, int vY) { iX += vX; iY += vY; }
0601:    public boolean equals(Object rObject) { 
0602:       return iX == ((Shape) rObject).iX && iY == ((Shape) rObject).iY;
0603:    }
0604:    public String toString() { return iX + ":" + iY; }
0605:    private int iX, iY;
0606: }