5.2. Using the class Person

And here is a Java application that tests some aspects of the class Person:

0534: import java.io.BufferedReader;                             // UsePerson.java
0535: import java.io.InputStreamReader;
0536: import java.io.IOException;
0537: public class UsePerson {
0538:    public static void main(String[ ] args) throws IOException {
0539:       BufferedReader input = 
0540:             new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
0541:       Person tGirlfriend = 
0542:             new Person("Smith", 5.5F, new Date(1973, 2, 27));
0543:       System.out.print("Girlfriend> ");  System.out.println(tGirlfriend);
0544:       Person tWife = new Person();
0545:       System.out.print("Wife> ");  System.out.println(tWife);
0546:       Person tBaby;
0547:       tWife = tGirlfriend;
0548:       System.out.print("Wife> ");  System.out.println(tWife);
0549:       tBaby = new Person(input.readLine());
0550:       System.out.print("Baby> ");  System.out.println(tBaby);
0551:       System.out.println(tWife.getName().equals(tBaby.getName()));
0552:    }
0553: }
When this program is executed, it produces output like:
Girlfriend> Smith%5.5%1973-02-27
Wife> %0.0%0-00-00
Wife> Smith%5.5%1973-02-27
Baby> Smith%1.5%1990-04-09