7.1. foreach statements

With a foreach statement, you can visit each element of a collection. For example, the above for statement:

for (int tIndex = 0; tIndex<pValues.Length; tIndex++)
    if (pValues[tIndex]==pTestValue)

can instead be written as:

foreach (int tValueFound in pValues)
    if (tValueFound==pTestValue)

A foreach statement can be used for any type that implements the IEnumerable interface:

public interface IEnumerable
    IEnumerator GetEnumerator();

In Java, the equivalent method to GetEnumerator is called iterator. The IEnumerator interface is:

public interface IEnumerator
    bool MoveNext();
    object Current{ get; }
    void Reset();

In Java, the equivalent interface to IEnumerator is called Iterator.

The following types implement the IEnumerable interface:

You can also produce your own types that implement this interface.